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MOLEG 2013 Promotional Video
  • 등록일 2013-07-18
  • 조회수4,424
  • 담당부서 대변인실
  • 담당자 금소연

MOLEG 2013 Promotional Video

2013년 신규 제작한 법제처 홍보영상 영문본입니다.

'20.3.1일부터 유튜브는 인터넷익스플로러를 지원하지 않습니다.
유튜브 동영상을 시청하시려면 브라우저를 업데이트(크롬, 엣지, 파이어폭스, 오페라 등)를 하시기 바랍니다.


The law is everywhere in our everyday life.
The law is everywhere in this world.
It’s on the bus we take every morning,
In the offices where we work,
In the schools where our children study,
In our libraries;
It’s there when we chat with our friends,
when we’re at home with our families;
the law is always with us.
And MOLEG is with you.
The Ministry of Government Legislation(MOLEG) was instituted when the interim government of the Republic of Korea was founded on August 15, 1948.
It has been a leader in the development of Korea,
and has grown side-by-side with our nation.

Korea has become the nation it is today because of its laws.
And it is MOLEG that shapes the law,
based on the belief that the law is made for the benefit of the people.
We at MOLEG strive to make the laws just, fair, and transparent – something that anyone may observe with confidence.

We are here to create a happier tomorrow.
MOLEG is founded upon universal constitutional values,
and committed to your enjoyment of life.
To ensure this, we perform a number of duties such as the review, interpretation and upgrading of the various statutes, in addition to providing information and training.
As the central administrative agency, specialized in legislation,
we devise government legislation plans,
coordinate differences between agencies, and
promulgate the statutes from the State Council
to manage the legislative process.
In addition to this, we provide legislative support to ensure
that new policies are implemented as soon as possible.
We make sure that legislative bills or Presidential Decrees do not violate the Constitution in any way,
review whether there are any conflicts,
and take measures to guarantee that laws remain just and fair.
One of our primary roles is that of statutory interpretation, by which we clarify the meaning of sometimes rather abstract statutes, in order to promote the fair enforcement of those statutes.
We also promote improvements in the statutes for the benefit of the people.
In cooperation with the relevant agencies, we examine and improve those out-of-date statutes that are inconvenient and thus become a hindrance to social development.
Chinese- or Japanese-based terminologies are converted to Korean terms, and long and/or complicated sentences are revised to make them shorter, clearer, and easier to understand.
We also support efficient legislation by presenting the integrated opinions of the various government agencies,
help local governments with legislation and interpretation through the utilization of our expertise in the area of government legislation,
provide training sessions to enhance the legislation expertise of public servants, and
conduct various programs designed to instill a law-abiding spirit as well as an appreciation of the rule of law to children and youth; all in support of government legislation.
The National Legislation Information Center provides integrated access to Korean legislation, thereby making the access of legislation information easier and more transparent.
Just click on "One Click, Practical Law" to learn about the statutes closely related to your daily life.
If you would like to access the information in your native language, there are translations of the statutes in major languages for your benefit.
The legislation that has made Korea the modern and advanced nation it has become, is now set to enter the world stage.
The World Legislation Information Service Center offers legislation information from other countries for the benefit of the Korean people and for companies competing in global markets.
The Center also translates major Korean statutes for legislative organizations overseas, in the spirit of promoting exchange and collaboration.
MOLEG cooperates with major countries around the world in order to advance the global system of government legislation,
while exporting our experience and advanced legislative system to developing countries, thereby asserting our global leadership in the area of law.

The law is the backbone of a nation, and the pillar for the happiness of the people.
It is our role at MOLEG to design a happier tomorrow for Korea.
The tomorrow that people look forward to – MOLEG promises to create that future; to bring a happiness to the people.

The Ministry of Government Legislation will spare no effort to make our laws easier to understand and live by.

For a brighter and happier future for every Korean citizen,
MOLEG designs our laws for the happiness and quality of our people.